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Giulia Grisi

Born: 2 May 1811

Died: 29 November 1869

Years active: 1828-1858

Giulia Grisi was an Italian soprano opera singer. She was born in Milan in 1811 to one of Napoleon's Italian officers, 

Gaetano Grisi. She came from a musically gifted family with her aunt Giuseppina Grassini and older sister Giuditta Grisi both opera singers. She made her debut at the age of 17 in Rossini's Zelmira in 1828. She went on to enjoy a successful career which lasted for 30 years.

Leon Noel

Madamoiselle Julie Grisi (1832)


Portrait of Giulia Grisi

Giulietta Grisi,

the Celebrated Cantatrice at the Opera (1834)


Portrait of Giulia Grisi for the World of Fashion

“For so long a time lasted the supremacy of Mme. Grisi, and it was justified by a remarkable combination of qualities, great physical loveliness, a noble voice, and dramatic impulse, which, if not precisely inventive, was yet large and sympathetic.


George T. Ferris

Great Singers: Second Series



Giulia Grisi


Portrait of Giulia Grisi

A Maurin

Julia Grisi, du Theatre Italien


Portrait of Giulia Grisi

“Grisi united much of the nobleness and tragic inspiration of Pasta with something of the fire and energy of Malibran, but in the minds of the most capable judges she lacked creative originality which stamped each of the former two artists.”


George T. Ferris

Great Singers: Second Series


Judith and Julie Grisi


Portrait of Giulia Grisi with her sister Giuditta Grisi

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